Tag Archive For "CMD"
Export MySQL table To Excel or CSV without any Software
In this video I have shown how you can export a MySQL table to excel or CSV without any third party software. All you can use CMD prompt to export export the table. 1. First login to your MySQL database through command prompt. You can check below link to see the steps for that. https://chillyfacts.com/connect-remote-mysql-database-using-command-prompt/ …
Create shortcut to change the IP address of the PC
In this video I have shown how you can create a short cut to change the IP address of your PC. This method will work in all windows versions and it is done with the help of Command prompt bat file. 1 . First find the name of the adapter you want to change the …
Reset PostgreSQL password on Windows
In this video I have shown how to reset the forgotten password of PostgreSQL on windows 10 PC. 1. First locate the pg_hba.conf file inside the installation directory of PostgreSQL. In this example the file is located in ‘C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin’. 2. Open the file in notepad and comment the below lines by putting # at …
Download Youtube Videos using Command Prompt CMD
Now you can download youtube videos using command line commands. This will work in any platform like unix, linux and windows. To demonstrate the downloader in windows we have to download an executable exe file from below link or their website. Download youtube-dl here. youtube-dl.rar Steps to Download youtube Videos 1. Download the youtube-dl and …
How to see all devices / PC connected on your network
In this video I have shown how we can see all devices / PC in same network. I have shown 2 ways to check the devices, 1. Using CMD – Command Prompt The command will NET VIEW show all devices connected in network. net view . Now to see all the active IP address in …
Check / Export the resources contained in Java .jar files-Command Prompt
Here is the steps how you can extract and see the contents of a jar file. Lets take an example by checking contents available in the jar org.apache.commons.io.jar Make sure you have installed the java in your pc. Open command prompt and navigate to location where you have installed java in your PC. In my …
Connect to remote MySql database using Command Prompt
In this video I have shown how to create an online free MySQL database for testing. How to create remote MySQL database. How to connect to remote MySQL database. As per in this example. We can connect to MySQL with the below command line argument. Open CMD and First navigate to location where you have …
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘ODBC’@’localhost’ (using password: NO) permanently
In this video I have shown how to over come the below error, ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘ODBC’@’localhost’ (using password: NO) permanently As shown in the video, Open MySQL through command Prompt and give user name and password of MySQL as command line argument. C:\cd MySQL installed path\MySQL -u{mysql username>} -p{mysql password} …
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can’t connect to MySQL server on localhost (10061)
This is solution for MySQL Windows command line client closes after password entry. In this video I have shown how to solve the below error, ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can’t connect to MySQL server on localhost (10061) This error is because the Mysql Server of windows stops for some reason. Here is the steps to solve …
HelloWorld.java:1: error: error while writing HelloWorld: HelloWorld.class (Access is denied)
Error while compiling java program access denied error Error while compiling using command ‘javac HelloWorld.java’ HelloWorld.java:1: error: error while writing HelloWorld: HelloWorld.class (Access is denied) public class HelloWorld{ ^ 1 error Solution, Try running your command Prompt CMD in Administrator mode and execute the command