Category Archive For "sharer"
Linkedin Share button using Plugins – HTML
In this video I have shown how to create the LinkedIn share button in Webpages. This source code will work in all programming languages that supports HTML front end. Copy paste below source code to the page you need to get the sharer. Update the link with the page link you need to get the …
Dynamic Facebook share button in PHP
In this video I have shown how to create dynamic facebook share button. Usually we copy paste the URL in the share code generator and get the code for each page manually. visit the below page for manually generating the code sharer. Create Facebook Share button for Website Webpages Now just copy the below code …
Dynamic Facebook Share button for Website Webpages
In this video I am showing how to use dynamic share button in webpages. Normally it is done by pasting the URL in to the tools so it will generate the code for sharer automatically. Check the video below how to do that. Create Facebook Share button for Website Webpages But if you are …
Create LinkedIn Share button on Website Webpages Customized URL Method
This tutorial shows how to add a LinkedIn Share button using CustomizedURL Method. The complete documentation of this method is shown here, Click the icon below to see the Sharer <a href=” LinkedIn Share button on Website Webpages&” onclick=”, ‘mywin’, ‘left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0’); return false;” ><img src=”” alt=”” width=”54″ height=”20″ /></a> You can update the red …
Create Facebook Share button for Website Webpages
This tutorial helps to create facebook share button in Webpage. 1. Just include the following code in your Webpage to include web page sharer. You can update the code with your link inside and create it for your webpage. 1.1 Button Count Type <iframe src=”” width=”83″ height=”28″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true”></iframe> 1.2 Box Count Type …
Create WhatsApp Share Button on WebSites
This tutorial shows how to create WhatsApp share button on WebPages, This example is with HTML and will work of JAVA, JSP, PHP and any HTML Support Platforms. 1. Just add the below source code in your Webpage to create a share link. You can put image also inside the href Link with a Whatsapp …