Category Archive For "facebook"
JAVA – Facebook graph API-Get user Posts
In this video, I have shown how you can generate Access token dynamically. And use the dynamic access to get facebook user and facebook user posts using facebook graph API. Here is the steps what you have to follow. 1. Login to facebook developers site and get an APP id by creating a facebook APP. …
JAVA – Integrate Login with Facebook using graph API
In this video I have shown how you can generate Access token dynamically. And use the dynamic access to get facebook user info using facebook graph API. Here is the steps what you have to follow. 1. Login to facebook developers site and get an APP id by creating a facebook APP. 2. Grant permission …
JAVA- Integrate login with Facebook using restfb API
In this video I have shown how you can integrate Login with facebook in web projects using restfb API. All the documentations are available in documentation section. Here is the steps what you have to follow. 1. Login to facebook developers site and get an APP id by creating a facebook APP. 2. Grant …
Can’t Load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains [Solved]
In this video I have shown step by step how you can solve the below facebook APP error, Can’t Load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app …
How to Create custom Facebook Share Button
In this video I have shown how to create a custom designed facebook share button. As shown in the video we need to create an app in the facebook developer site and get the facebook APP ID. You can create any number of share buttons just with one APP ID. No need to create APP …
Dynamic Facebook share button in PHP
In this video I have shown how to create dynamic facebook share button. Usually we copy paste the URL in the share code generator and get the code for each page manually. visit the below page for manually generating the code sharer. Create Facebook Share button for Website Webpages Now just copy the below code …
Dynamic Facebook Share button for Website Webpages
In this video I am showing how to use dynamic share button in webpages. Normally it is done by pasting the URL in to the tools so it will generate the code for sharer automatically. Check the video below how to do that. Create Facebook Share button for Website Webpages But if you are …
Integrate login with Social Network using JAVA
All the popular Social Media login integration is shown in the pages below. It includes Facebook, Reddit, Google, Instagram and LinkedIn. Go through the below pages. All the source code is shared in corresponding pages. Login with Facebook. Login with Google. Login with Reddit. Login with Instagram. Login with LinkedIn.
Post in multiple facebook group quickly without any software
This video tutorial shows how To Post To Multiple Facebook Groups FREE At The Same Time.
Create Facebook Share button for Website Webpages
This tutorial helps to create facebook share button in Webpage. 1. Just include the following code in your Webpage to include web page sharer. You can update the code with your link inside and create it for your webpage. 1.1 Button Count Type <iframe src=”” width=”83″ height=”28″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true”></iframe> 1.2 Box Count Type …