Tag Archive For "mysql"
MySQL server is running with the –secure-file-priv [SOLVED]
In this video I have shown how you can solve the error “MySQL server is running with the –secure-file-priv”. This example is shown in Windows 10 PC. 1. How to see the default MySQL uploads folder. The error comes because MySQL is limiting the upload file from only one specific folder. To see the current …
Export MySQL table To Excel or CSV without any Software
In this video I have shown how you can export a MySQL table to excel or CSV without any third party software. All you can use CMD prompt to export export the table. 1. First login to your MySQL database through command prompt. You can check below link to see the steps for that. https://chillyfacts.com/connect-remote-mysql-database-using-command-prompt/ …
Best Mysql Client for Windows
In this video I have shown the Best MySQL client for windows PC. Please see the video to see how to manage the databases. Download the 32 bit here HeidiSQL_11.3_32_Portable.zip Download the 64 bit here HeidiSQL_11.3_64_Portable.zip Login screen will look like below screenshot, Enter the username and password to login. After Login you can see …
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adaptor error SOLVED
In this video I have shown how you can solve the error ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adaptor error.This error comes when the oracle service ‘OracleServiceORCL’ gets stopped in the PC or Server. Here I have shown you 2 methods to solve it. Method 1 – Turn on the service from windows services1. Open run window by pressing …
How to reset MySQL root Password
In this video I have shown step by step how you can reset the MySQL root password in a windows PC. Login to your PC as Administrator Mode Stop all MySQL services or APPS that is using MySQL in your PC.First open the services from windows. Press the Win + R keys on your keyboard, …
Export MySQL Table in to CSV file using JAVA
In this video I have shown how you can export MySQL table into a CSV file. You will need to import MySQL jar file into class path of eclipse IDE to work on this program. You can download here, mysql-connector-java-5.1.42-bin.rar 1. Project Structure in Eclipse IDE. 2.Create_CSV.java package com.chillyfacts.com; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.sql.Connection; …
Connect MySQL database using PHP and Select values from Table
In this video I have shown how you can Connect to your MySQL database and select values from the table in that database. Here in this example I am connecting to local host MySQL database Connect to Database with below code <?php echo ‘Hello<br>’; $hostname=’localhost’; $username=’root’; $password=’root’; $database=’test’; $conn=new mysqli($hostname,$username,$password,$database); if(!$conn){ die(‘Error In connection’.mysqli_connect_error()); }else{ …
MySQL Workbench Cannot Connect to Database Server -‘caching_sha2_password’ cannot be loaded
In this video I have shown how we can overcome the below error on connecting MySQL work bench. MySQL WorkBench Cannot Connect to Database Server- Your connection attempt failed for user ‘root’ from your hest to server at localhcst:3306: Authentication plugin ‘caching_sha2_password’ cannot be loaded: The specified module could not be found. Please: 1 Check …
Generate Barcodes Dynamically Using JAVA
In this video I have shown how to create Barcodes in Image and PDF dynamically using JAVA. Project Structure In this project 3 jars are used, 1. barcode4j.jar 2. itextpdf-5.1.0.jar 3. Mysql connector jar Barcode_Image.java package BARCODE; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import org.krysalis.barcode4j.impl.code128.Code128Bean; import org.krysalis.barcode4j.output.bitmap.BitmapCanvasProvider; public class Barcode_Image { public static void main(String[] …
Java JSP MySql CRUD Project
In this video tutorial series I have shown how to create Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) in Java Server Pages(JSP). Project Structure in Eclipse DB_Connection.java package common; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; public class DB_Connection { public static void main(String[] args) { DB_Connection obj_DB_Connection=new DB_Connection(); System.out.println(obj_DB_Connection.get_connection()); } public Connection get_connection(){ Connection connection=null; try { Class.forName(“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”); connection …